Friday, April 10, 2020

One Reason Why God Might Prolong the Pandemic

Part of the reason I'm kinda okay with the Covid-19 situation is because I know some good will come of it. In his April 2020 talk, "Shall We Not Go On In So Great A Cause?"President M. Russell Ballard spoke of the suffering endured by Joseph Smith, his brother Hyrum, and the rest of the early saints. In this talk, he said, "I have often wondered why Joseph and Hyrum and their families had to suffer so much. It may be that they came to know God through their suffering in ways that could not have happened without it." Perhaps the same is happening with us. Maybe the coronavirus is supposed to teach us lessons that we wouldn't have learned otherwise.

Now, I don't know what lessons those are. I don't know whether or not we've already learned those lessons or even whether or not there are lessons for us to learn at all. It could be that there are no lessons to learn or that we've already learned them, and there's no vital reason for the pandemic to continue. If that's true, then I hope the problem ends miraculously soon.

However, if there are still lessons humanity needs to learn from the coronavirus, then I hope we all collectively learn those lessons, and, once again, I hope we do it soon, because I doubt this pandemic will end before we do.

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