Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Long Countdown to Conference

Conference kinda sneaked up on me this year, possibly because of all the disruption from the COVID-19 quarantine situation. Since we were already doing church from home, attending General Conference (also from home) didn't involve much of a change, so the fact that this week was General Conference didn't stand out to me very much.

But there's another factor that probably had an even bigger impact on me not anticipating Conference this weekend: I didn't blog about the previous session's Conference talks. I didn't lead up to this Conference by spending the last six months blogging about each of the five sessions of last General Conference. Blogging about Conference was a good habit to develop, but I just sorta dropped the ball and was too lazy to pick it back up.

That changes this month. This month, I'm going to blog about every talk from the Saturday Morning Session of the April 2020 General Conference. Next month, I'm going to cover the Saturday Afternoon Session, and so on. And in September, I'll spend at least a few blog posts preparing for the October 2020 General Conference. By keeping Conference in my mind during the intervening six months, I plan to not let next Conference sneak up on me like this one did. Now, I may have to skip a talk here or there if I can't think of anything to say about it and it looks like I'm going to fall behind schedule, but by and large, I plan to cover almost every April 2020 Conference talk before the October 2020 General Conference starts. I let the last Conference fall by the wayside. I'm not making the same mistake with this one.

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