Sunday, December 6, 2020

Different Tradition, Same Spirit

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is attending and participating in a Messiah Sing-Along concert. For obvious reasons, that's not going to happen this year, but during tonight's First Presidency Christmas Devotional, I took the liberty of joining the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square in singing the Hallelujah Chorus of Handel's Messiah, and I realized that I don't have to attend any in-person concert in order to sing along with that sacred music. I can play those songs on Youtube, on my MP3 player, or on CD, and sing along to my heart's content. Preferably, I'd do it at a time and place that wouldn't bother others, but I don't need others to join along. Thanks to the miracle of modern technology, I can enjoy and join in that music anytime, anywhere.

I hope you find ways to enjoy reflections of your favorite Christmas traditions, despite these extraordinary circumstances. This pandemic has cancelled many things, but it shouldn't cancel our (perhaps individual) celebrations of the birth and life of Christ. Our celebrations may be different this year, but they are no less sacred and important than they have always been. Let us all try to find ways to keep the spirit of Christmas alive this year, even if the traditions by which we celebrate that spirit have to change.

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