Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Extent of Self-Sacrifice

To what extent is self-sacrifice a good thing? Naturally, being selfish is bad, and putting others before oneself is (generally) good, but is there a limit? Is there a point at which self-sacrifice becomes pointless, and perhaps even immoral? I would argue that there is. Self-sacrifice, taken to an extreme, can become self-destructive. Sometimes, people give so much of their time and energy that they end up hurting themselves. Those who spend too much of their time and emotional energy dealing with other people's problems may not have enough time and energy left to deal with their own. It's good to help others, but not to the point of hurting yourself. You are a child of God as much as anyone. Hurting one child of God to help another isn't always a good idea. So, before you sacrifice yourself for the good of someone else, carefully consider how much you're about to sacrifice compared to how much good your sacrifice will do. If the sacrifice is greater than the good that will come of it, perhaps making that sacrifice may not be the wisest decision. If the hurt outweighs the help, it may be best not to engage in that extent of self-sacrifice.

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