Saturday, December 19, 2020

Feeling Okay

I'm in a weird mood right now, and I'm not sure how to describe it without sounding strange. I feel okay. And I feel like, no matter what happens, it's going to be okay. God is in control. Life will go on, and even when it doesn't, the afterlife will. We are immortal, eternal beings having a temporary (though sometimes unpleasant) mortal experience. When we die, our spirits live on. When the world ends, a new world will take its place. Even though things are kind of rough right now, everything is going to be okay.

So, let's wait it out. The bad times won't last forever. Let's do what we can while we can, and maybe things will get better. And even if they don't, that's not going to be a problem forever. God has a plan for the eternity after the end, and in it, everything is going to be okay. We don't have to worry about how things will turn out. We just have to have faith and an eternal perspective, remember that God is in control and trust that, in due time, He'll make sure that everything is okay. To some extent, I do, and to that extent, I feel okay.

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