Monday, December 7, 2020

Passing Judgment

I spent this afternoon reading the story of Cyntoia Brown and Johnny Allen. In this story, 43-year-old Johnny Allen was shot and killed by Cyntoia Brown. Brown claimed self-defense. Allen's family claimed premeditated murder. Either person could be described as the villain or the victim, depending on what evidence you consider and which witnesses you trust. Brown was convicted of murder, but she was granted clemency before her sentence was completed. Both sides believe that an injustice was done, either by her incarceration or by her release. I don't know what to believe. But just about no matter how you slice it, this story is a tragedy, and I'm glad that I don't have to pass judgment on anyone involved.

I don't envy the Lord. Final Judgment isn't going to be quick, clean, or pretty. There will be countless factors to consider, including the complex motivations of the human hearts. Luckily, the Lord is pretty well equipped to read people's hearts and to judge them. I am neither blessed nor cursed with such insight. I don't know what goes on in other people's minds or hearts. I don't fully know why people do what they do, and I don't even know for sure who did what most of the time. I don't know enough about anyone's situation to pass judgment on them. I can say how things seem to me, using the limited knowledge and judgment I have, but that's not enough to prescribe fair punishments for them. I'd really rather not do that. I don't know enough about Johnny Allen or Cyntoia Brown to pass judgment on either of them, so I won't. So, when it comes to passing moral judgment on people for what they may or may not have done, I'll pass.

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