Friday, December 11, 2020

Mormon Remained

Something that struck me as we read the last few verses of Moroni 8 tonight is that Mormon kept fighting alongside the Nephites, even though he knew that they were basically doomed. He knew that they would be justly destroyed if they didn't repent, and he knew how unlikely it was that they would repent. Yet, he stayed by their side. This suggests to me that he possessed an enormous degree of either of two traits: hope or loyalty.

It's possible that Mormon had a ridiculous amount of hope. He knew that the Nephites weren't likely to repent, but miracles happen. Maybe he was hoping that, against all odds, they might repent.

Or maybe he was willing to die with them anyway. Maybe he had so much love and compassion for his people, sinners though they were, that he was willing to die with them, even though they clearly didn't deserve his help.

Either way, Mormon was quite a person. It's amazing that he was willing to stay with the Nephites, despite everything they were doing and everything that was happening to them. I don't know if I would have stayed by their side that long. Mormon's example of either hope or loyalty is incredible. He must have been quite a man.

I don't know exactly why Mormon remained with the other Nephites as long as he did, but I find it inspiring that he did.

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