Wednesday, December 2, 2020

"To All People"

One of the special things about the musical program I watched last night was the multicultural nature of it. People from many different countries sang hymns in different languages while depicting scenes from around the world. For me, the highlight of the program was a reading of Luke 2 in multiple languages, driving home the point of the angel, who said to the shepherds that these "good tidings of great joy... shall be to all people."

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints isn't just an American church; it's an international church, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ blesses everyone in the world, whether or not they belong to His church or any church at all. Some of the blessings of the Atonement extend to literally everyone in the entire world, not just those who believe or who live in some parts of the world.

I'm glad that God loves all His children enough to bless all His children with gifts such as the Light of Christ and Resurrection and that He extends even greater blessings to everyone who will accept them. God wants to give all His children all the blessings that He can, and while divine law dictates that some blessings be reserved for the righteous, I find it comforting that some of the most precious and important blessings are extended freely "to all people."

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