Sunday, May 30, 2021

Omni-Present Imperfection

Nothing is perfect. No one is perfect. Every individual, group, nation, organization, notion, philosophy, religion, cause, etc., every everything has its pros and cons. Sometimes, there's a lot more of one than another, so we can judge someone or something as being mostly good or mostly bad, but it's never perfectly good or completely bad. Everyone and everything has a mix of good and bad traits (and we might not even agree on which traits are "good" or "bad" traits anyway).

And that's okay. People don't have to be perfect yet. Though we should all strive toward perfection, none of us are ever going to get there in this life, yet, at the same time, even the most depraved people are children of God who, at at least one point in their premortal lives, were on the side of Heaven'y Father and Jesus Christ. No one's pure good, but no one's pure evil, either. And the same thing goes for anything any human being has ever touched.

We should learn to accept the world and the imperfections of everyone and everything in it. These imperfections can be frustrating at times, but they can be endured. Naturally, I'd like the world to be different, perhaps even perfect, but to be perfect is to be without human influence, and I'm not sure I want to live in a world like that. Every human has imperfections, and those imperfections spread to everything we effect imperfectly. That's something we just have to learn to live with, regardless of how much we'd rather that things and people were perfect.

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