Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Spiritual Sunburns

This last Sunday, during the Sacrament Meeting Devotional Thingy, someone gave a talk that started by describing the benefits of sunshine and how spiritual light is even more beneficial to us. However, as a redhead with freckles and a tendency to get sunburns, I could hardly help thinking that, just as there are benefits to getting a good amount of sunshine, there can be drawbacks to getting too much. 

From there, I wondered if it was possible to have too much spiritual light, to have too much faith, to spend too much time too close to God. I even thought of a few ways in which that may be possible. Mortal beings can't endure the presence of God without special protection. The sinful can't endure being in His presence at all. Putting too much faith in a mistaken belief can cause someone to make more and greater mistakes. There are rare, specific instances where it's theoretically possible to have too much exposure to spiritual light.

However, that's not a problem that most people have, and it's certainly not a problem that I have or am at risk of having. I am (hopefully) not going to spend time in the presence of God for a very long time (or at least as long as it takes me to repent). And I don't have too much faith in anything. If anything, I have too little. It's theoretically possible to get a "spiritual sunburn," but that's not a problem that I really need to worry about. Other people might have to problem of having too much faith, but I don't, and the possibility of me being burned by God is more of a problem of having too much darkness than of me having too much light.

Spiritual sunburns can, theoretically, happen, but as long as I keep repenting, I don't really have to worry about them ever happening to me.

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