Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Reasons Not To Give Reasons

I guess we can't always expect God to explain everything. Sometimes, He gives us commandments that don't seem to make sense, and He asks us to trust Him. And He has plenty of plausible reasons to not explain things. Sometimes, the explanation is too complex for us to understand. Sometimes the reasoning is based on information that we don't have and aren't supposed to have. Sometimes, He doesn't explain things because we forget to ask Him to or because we aren't in tune enough to clearly hear His explanations. And sometimes, we just need to exercise our faith. We need to learn to trust Him.

I struggle with this. I wish God would tell me why certain commandments are commandments, why certain things have to be done in certain ways. I want to understand His logic and why e came to the conclusions He came to, rather than simply taking it on faith.

I don't just want to do what God says "because God said so." I want to make my own decisions, and I want my decisions to be wise, well-informed decisions. I want to know what God knows and understand what God understands and make my decisions based on the same knowledge ans wisdom God uses to determine the decisions He says I should make.

I want God to explain things to me, even though I know, on some level, that there are at least a handful of half-decent reasons why He doesn't always explain things.

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