Thursday, September 23, 2021

A Less-Than-Fantastic Day

Today wasn't necessarily an especially fantastic day. Don't get me wrong; it wasn't a bad day. It just wasn't a great day, either. I didn't get done everything I wanted to get done. I didn't have much fun. It wasn't satisfying. Except...

I got to help I few people. That's what I do. I help people. And the handful of people who came to me for tutoring got the help they came for. I can be satisfied with that, I think. Sure, today wasn't a great day, but I got to help a few people, and I can be satisfied with that. After all, it's what I'm here for.

I'm glad that I was able to help a few people today, and I'm glad that I'll be able to help a few people tomorrow and the day after that. So, in a sense, today was a decent day after all. And as long as I can keep going and keep helping people, I can always hope for a better day tomorrow.

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