Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Correcting a Dumb Mistake

Seven years and almost two months ago, I made a dumb mistake that I thought I had learned from, but about a week ago, I made a similar mistake, with a similar result. People learn slowly. Sometimes, people need to "learn" a lesson several times before it really sinks in. Still, I think I have learned something from that experience and in the intervening years. Whereas I had previously been somewhat content to accept the consequences of my dumb mistake, I now sought to correct the mistake almost immediately after repeating it. I did almost everything in my power to correct my mistake, including acquiring the necessary tools and seeking professional help when the tools proved insufficient. I now feel a lot better, and I also feel more confident in my willingness and ability to solve problems instead of simply living with them. I've become far more proactive than I was back then, and I'm glad it only took me two dumb mistakes and a week of clogged ears to learn that.

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