Sunday, September 5, 2021

Doing Good Badly

I am incredibly tired and terribly late. I started trying to blog at around 10:30 tonight, and I thought I'd have plenty of time, but I hit a roadblock, just stuck, and couldn't get myself out of it until just now. Just now, I decided that I had to at least blog about something. At least I could blog about being late and tired and sorry and promising to do better tomorrow, which is basically what repentance is anyway.

Nobody's perfect. We all fail to live up to our ideals more often than we'd care to admit. I submit my blog posts late more often than I'd like to, and I occasionally tell myself that I'll do better, and I often do, but I still end up posting late blog posts every so often.

But you know what? That's okay. Late blog posts are better than no blog posts. Trying to do good, but falling short, is still good. This doesn't work in academia, but in real life, you can sometimes get an A for effort, regardless of the results.

I've been blogging daily for almost ten years now. Most of those blog posts have come in on time. Several of them have been insightful. My blogging hasn't been perfect, but it has been good. Blogging is a good thing, even if the blog posts are very late. Doing good is a good thing, even if we're not terribly good at it. Doing good badly is better than not doing it at all.

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