Saturday, September 4, 2021

Pieces of Light and Truth

As I've been reading about these ancient religions for my humanities class, I've been struck by the number of similarities between the ancient faiths and my own. Granted, it's only natural that we'd have features in common with early Judaism, since we both use the Bible, but I was almost surprised to see that the ancient Egyptian got a handful of things right as well. Now, I could attribute this to the stopped clock situation and say that even a broken clock is right twice per day, but I think it's more accurate to say that anyone from any faith can be inspired by the Light of Christ, and so it's only natural for there to be some light and truth in every religion, even in the ones that get literally everything else wrong.

I know that there's only one true church with all of the truth in it, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised to see pieces of light and truth pop up elsewhere as well.

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