Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Helper for Hire

I love that I have a job where I get to help people. I work as a writing tutor, and today, I was able to help two students figure out some ideas for their paper and figure out how to revise their paper into one that fits the prompt they were given. It was great. Just a handful of hours of talking with someone, helping them brainstorm and figure out solutions, and by the end of each of those tutoring sessions, the student was a lot closer to their goal than they were at the start. I like being able to help people, and I love that I get to do it for a job. It's very fulfilling work. I feel like, in some ways, it's what I was meant to do.

I figured out a long time ago that helping others is "what I'm here for." It's part of my purpose on Earth, and I love doing it. I really genuinely love helping people. Granted, it can get tiring sometimes, and for a while, I worried about being taken advantage of, but those whom I help now are very respectful and grateful for my help (some even monetarily), so I very much don't mind helping them. In fact, time and energy permitting, I'd like to help them more. I love helping people. I love the feeling I get when I help people, when I do good and accomplish good things, when I get thanked for it, and when I feel my Heavenly Father's approval.

God sent me here to help people, and I'm happy to help, especially if I can somehow make a career out of doing it.

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