Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Forks in the Road

In tonight's session of D&D, the characters came to a pair of forks in the road, each one requiring a simple decision: do you go one way or the other? They had some information about each direction. They knew where each fork would take them, physically, but they didn't know what they would find by heading that way, and they didn't know which way would lead them to the person they're looking for.

But of course, life's like that sometimes. We come to a fork in the road, and we have to make a dicision (hopefully an informed decision), without really knowing what we'll find at the end of the paths we choose or what would have happened if we chose a different path instead. We just have make our choices and hope for the best.

The paths that the party chose tonight led them to a particular place at a particular time. No one can say what might have happened if they had made different choices, but they are where they are now, and we'll just have to go from there. And so must we. We are wherever our past choices (and circumstances beyond our control) led us. All that's left for us now is to make our choices, follow our paths, and find out where we can go from here.

We don't know where each fork in the road will lead, but we all must choose our forks regardless.

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