Friday, May 27, 2022

Looking Out For Me

I'm glad I've got people looking out for me. At two points today, I was making decisions that could be considered regretable. It wasn't anything too serious, and it'll likely be forgotten by this time next week. Still, the choices I was making weren't the best ones, and the people around me noticed that and had the courage to call it to my attention.

To their credit, that's all they did. They merely pointed out the choices I was making, and that alone was enough to convince me to reconsider. In some cases, I changed my decision, and in another case, I continued with my original decision, but in each case, it was my decision to make. Those close to me merely pointed out the decision I was making, giving me an opportunity to reconsider my choice. And at the end of the day, partly thanks to their influence, I'm satisfied with the decisions I made, including the one I chose not to change.

Sometimes, we do things automatically, without even thinking about it. Today, I had people looking out for me, and they helped me to rethink my decisions. I'm grateful to those people. I'm glad they're in my life. My life is significantly better and more satisfying, thanks to their influence. I'm lucky they're looking out for me, and I hope I can do the same for them.

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