Sunday, May 8, 2022

Knowing My Limits

One thing I'm slowly learning is the importance of knowing my limits. Let's say I'm exercising a muscle. If I try to curl or lift more weight than I can safely handle, then I could overdo it and potentially damage my muscle (perhaps permanently) instead of growing it. Yet, if I know my limit and try not to go too far beyond it, I can exercise my muscle more efficiently and gradually grow and increase my limit.

Similarly, my emotional limitations may work in a similar way. There's only so much noise, frustration, and social interaction I can take before I start to feel like I'm losing control of my emotions. If I can identify that limit, I can try not to go beyond it, thus maintaining control. Yet, if the potential for growth here also works like a muscle, perhaps I can push myself, just a little bit, to gain more emotional strength and thus increase my emotional limit. If that's how that works, then knowing my limits may help me increase my resilience without actually risking causing harm. At the very least, it's important to know my limits so I know not to go beyond them.

Knowing my physical, emotional, and perhaps even spiritual limits may help me to better understand what I am and am not safely capable of, and it can help me grow and increase my limits as safely and effectively as possible. I definitely would like to grow stronger and more resilient, if only for my own benefit, and doing so safely may need to begin with learning my limits.

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