Monday, May 2, 2022

On Not Being Depressed

Today, in my Psychology class, I learned about depression and other psychological disorders, and the most exciting thing I learned about it is that I don't have it.

I used to think I was depressed. I felt unhappy and cynical and unenthusiastic, and I had thought that things would never get better. But I realized today that they have. Now, of all of the symptoms of major depressive disorder, the only one I feel with any regularity is "feeling worthless, or feeling unwarranted guilt," and I'm working on that, with some success. It's been a bumpy road with some occasional setbacks, but the trajectory has been overall positive.

I'm glad to have realized how much progress I've been making, without even noticing it. It makes me feel hopeful for the future. I'm going to keep learning and growing, I'm going to keep strengthening and building on my foundation, and I'm going to keep finding and making greater happiness and peace. Things are looking up.

Today, I learned that I'm not depressed. Rather, I am impressed at how far I've come.

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