Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Heaviness and Levity

In my discussions with other people, we often explore heavy topics. The world has many problems, and to even begin to become part of the solution to any of those problems, we need to understand them, and for people other than those conducting the actual research on those subjects, the main ways to understand such problems are to read about them and discuss them. Naturally, this gets heavy. Dwelling on such dark topics for long enough is bound to darken one's mood. Yet, it is possible to counteract this darkness with a touch of light-heartedness. We can use humor, fun, and levity to lighten an otherwise dour and heavy mood. While the world can be depressing, the world also offers many anti-depressants that can help us rise above the despair of hopelessness and maintain the motivation to actually work toward solving the world's problems, rather than merely lamenting the fact that they exist.

With as heavy as the world often is, and especially given how crushing it can be to bear the weight of the world, it can be helpful to use occasional moments of levity to lift our spirits and lighten the load.

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