Thursday, June 23, 2022

Mistakes, Misfortune, and Miracles

Today, I was reminded of an experience I had years ago, which I now call "The Midnight Miracle." I've blogged about this experience as it happened, but to make a long story short, there was a series of unlikely and seemingly unfortunate events which ultimately worked out better than any of us could have hoped. Reflecting back on this experience, I realized that God knows what He's doing, and any event that takes place, even if it is painful or seems unfortunate, is all part of God's plan. God is good at turning mistakes into miracles and misfortune into good fortune. God is good at taking things that look bad now and making them look perfect later. When we finally look back at our lives and the world when we can see them from His perspective, we'll learn that things worked out exactly the way they needed to to ensure the best possible outcome.

Granted, that can be hard to imagine from our perspective. We see the badness in the world, and we fail to see how this is, or is leading to, the best possible world or how much worse the world would be if it were even slightly different. We fail to recognize how our mistakes and misfortunes are essential parts of God's miracles. So, we need to learn to trust God and His plans for us, even when they don't look so good from our perspectives.

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