Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Trust in God's Plan

I sometimes wonder if I'm headed in the right direction and if I'm actually following the path that God has laid out for me, but I probably don't need to be worried about that. God has a plan for me, and His plan has taken all future events, including my choices, into account. He knew I would stumble. He knew I would make certain choices. He knew every move I would make. And He exerted His influence over me and the rest of the world in such a way as to ensure that this exact outcome would happen. I can recall a few moments when, if God had nudged me in one direction over another, my life would have gone very differently. Yet, God guided me to where I am now, and where I am now is where God led me. Now I just have to trust that God knows what He's doing. He led me down this path for a reason. God has a plan for my life, and His plan accounts for how my choices would affect my life. I can't mess up God's plan for me, because every mistake I would make had been anticipated by God and prepared for. Every misstep is a stepping stone toward where God is leading me. I trust God to have created a plan that was custom tailored to me. I trust that God's plan for me includes the "missteps" He knew I was going to make. I'm not perfect. God knows exactly how imperfect I am. And, considering all my imperfections, I trust that God made a plan for my life that was absolutely perfect for me.

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