Thursday, June 16, 2022

Teach Us Tolerance and Love

One of our hymns, In Humility, Our Savior, includes the line "Fill our hearts with sweet forgiving; Teach us tolerance and love." That's a lesson that's always worth learning, and it's especially true this month. Both Christians and members of the LGBTQ+ community place a strong emphasis on love, but they use such different definitions of love and understand the importance of love so differently that it's difficult for them to understand each other, let alone have productive conversations. I believe that both groups need to temper their love with tolerance for each other. Both sides need to learn to tolerate the other group's views and existence, even if they don't agree with each other. Both groups need to learn to tolerate each other. If we don't, we will always be enemies.

I don't want to be enemies with anyone, but the good news is that God doesn't want me to. God commanded us to love everyone, but if we can't learn to love them, let us at least learn to tolerate them.

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