Friday, December 9, 2022

Cautiously Optimistic

I sometimes belittle the power of positive thinking. I'm cynical. I think that wishful thinking is childish. And yet, it's probably a happier way to live. Giving people the benefit of a doubt, expecting good things to happen, and interpreting life more charitably than it probably deserves, aren't always realistic or pragmatic, and they may not always be wise, but they are comforting and uplifting. From a purely Utilitarian perspective, such thinking is good, insofar that causes happiness and reduces suffering. Naturally, as with many things, it's possible to go too far. Thinking the best of people too much can set one up to get hurt by them. Yet, if one remains cautious and vigilant, there may not be much harm in also being optimistic. That's something I think I should strive for: being cautiously optimistic. Caution without optimism is miserable, and optimism without caution is reckless, but with both caution and optimism, I may be able to enjoy the benefits of positive and wishful thinking without falling into the same traps a more naive person might. I have an abundance of caution, and that's probably wise, but I could also use more optimism in my life, so perhaps I should try to be more optimistic.

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