Saturday, December 31, 2022

Despite the Storm

It's raining pretty hard in my corner of the world. Some people have lost power. It's pretty rough out there. Fortunately for me and my family, we have adequate shelter. We're safe, and even mostly comfortable, despite the storm outside.

Similarly, we can, if prepared, enjoy relative comfort and safety, despite the more figurative storms of life. There are many external challenges that can shake us and disturb our peace, but we don't have to let them. With sufficient resilience, we can stay strong and calm, despite the storms of life.

Naturally, this is easier said than done, and I need to work on this as much as anybody and more than most. Yet, I know that it's possible to have calm and peace, despite the storms of life, and not only when they pass.

I'm grateful that I had good shelter from tonight's storm, and I hope that I can develop the resilience I need to withstand life's figurative storms as well.

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