Tuesday, December 20, 2022

On Not Needing Guidance

For Family Scripture Study (and, for the record, the words of the prophets and apostles can count as "living scripture"), my family listened to a talk by Elder Bednar in which he said, among other things, that we shouldn't worry so much about whether or not we're receiving spiritual promptings. If we are trying to do good, either the Holy Ghost will guide us, or He won't need to. If we consistently follow the path to the right, we won't need a guide to point, nudge, or shove us to the right, since we're already going there anyway. It is those who are going to the left who need guidance, direction, and maybe a nudge or shove.

So, if we don't feel like the Spirit is speaking to us, that's good. It means He doesn't feel the need to, because we're already going the way that He would have told us to go.

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