Sunday, December 18, 2022

The Other F Word

I'm sure we all know what "the F word" is. However, I've discovered a word we can put in its place and result in a much better message: Forgive. For example, "F*** that guy." becomes "Forgive that guy."

And really, you should. No matter what "that guy" did to invoke your ire, forgiving them is much better than the alternative. Forgiving them is a spiritually enriching act. Through forgiveness, we can let go of the pain and the hurt that others caused us. Don't seek revenge or anger. Seek healing and peace.

This substitution also helps when others tell us to "go f*** yourself," because we should forgive ourselves as well. We're all learning and growing. We all need patience and grace. We all need to be forgiven, and we all need to forgive.

So, I'm going to try to be as forgiving as I can manage to be, with myself and others, including in cases where a certain other "f word" may be involved.

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