Thursday, December 15, 2022

Freedom to Act

One thing I love about D&D is the freedom it gives its players. Within the framework of various rules, the players can create any characters they want, and then the characters can do (or at least attempt to do) anything the players can think of. And the DM, specifically, has even more freedom, being able to alter and even ignore some rules while creating the characters that they control. D&D players are able to create unique worlds, adventures, characters, and stories and explore them all however they see fit. It's amazing, and I greatly enjoy the freedom D&D provides.

Naturally, the real world is a little different. We have fewer character customization options, and there's far less fantasy and magic to play with, but we still have a good deal of freedom to act as we choose. We can do, or at least attempt to do, almost anything we can think of. In fact, we have so much freedom, it can be hard to decide what to do next. Each day has only so many hours in it, and it's up to us to decide what we'll do with them.

I'm grateful for the freedom to act as I see fit. I don't always make the best decisions with the time I have, but I still try to use it fairly wisely, and I'm glad that I have the freedom to do, or at least to try to do, anything I can think of. Life is an open world. It's up to us to decide what we do here.

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