Monday, January 2, 2023

Doing Good Feels Good

This evening, I got home from a visit to my sister's house. When I got home (and after crashing, unpacking, and having Family Prayer and Scripture Study with my family), I noticed a handful of small projects I could do to make the house a little better. I did some cleaning, refilled a soap dispenser, and generally made myself useful. This was time-consuming, but it felt good. It felt good to get things clean. It felt good to do something good (especially when I hadn't been told to do it and no one would have complained if I hadn't). It felt good to have made a positive, if small, impact on my environment, especially in so little time.

I don't know how long it took me to do those projects. Maybe an hour. Maybe less. But it was well worth the time and effort. It was a good thing to do, and it felt good to do it.

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