Monday, January 16, 2023

Small Hinges

It's amazing how hard my day can turn from a good day to a bad one and back again. I did homework today. I got a lot done, and I did it fairly well. I think the lowest score I got on any of the 5 or 6 assignments I did today was a 9.5 out of 10. I was very productive and successful today. Yet, this evening was stressful for me, and I quickly became overwhelmed. Thankfully, my night turned around in an instant when I saw a drawing that was probably the best piece of art I've ever seen. Within seconds, I couldn't stop smiling, and I've been smiling ever since.

Partly, this is a testament to how small things can make big impacts. As they say, "big doors swing on small hinges." But also, maybe we shouldn't let them.

I don't want to be this easy to volatile. Sure, cheering up quickly is fine, but I don't want to let my whole day get ruined by a rough evening. I don't want to be so easily annoyed by common occurrences. I want to be stronger than that. I want to have more emotional resilience, so I'm not as easily swayed, at least not for the worse.

It was good that a tiny thing was able to improve my mood instantly, but it would have been better if I hadn't let a few small things ruin my mood in the first place.

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