Monday, April 15, 2013

An Invitation of Love

As I watched President Eyring's talk "Come Unto Me" for the first time that Saturday Morning I once again missed the bulk of the speaker's message because I got hung up on something else. As President Eyring described many ways that we can Come Unto Christ,  I was pondering the fact that He, Christ, wants us to.

President Eyring said, "He is God, the Creator, and perfect. We are mortals subject to death and sin. Yet in His love for us and our families, He invites us to be close to Him."

I have often pondered how insignificant we are (and more specifically, I am) to Him. Being so far from that lofty goal of becoming like Him, I wonder sometimes if I really have a chance to make it.

I realize that Satan is trying to discourage me. He wants me to think only of how far I still have to go.

But no matter how imperfect I am, and however hopeless I may feel, that will never change how much the Savior loves me. And it's because of His love that He wants me to come unto Him.

And what applies to me applies to us all. Christ wants all of us to come unto Him, not because we've earned it (because we can never earn it) and not because we're a good investment (no matter what we do, we'll never be able to pay Him back for what He did for us), but simply because He loves us.

Only because He cares about us, He wants what's best for us. He wants us to be happy, and He wants us to have peace. He wants us to live in heaven with Him. How can I turn down an invitation like that?