Thursday, July 29, 2021

Love and Service

I think I finally got a glimpse of something I've heard about at church. They say in church that you can't help but love the people you serve, and for all my life, I've felt that it was the other way around. If you love someone, as a family member, or as a friend, or even just as a human being, you'd feel some amount of compassion for them and some desire to serve or help them.

This time, it was a little different. As I served others this afternoon, my compassion for them deepened, and I felt a greater desire to continue serving them. As I helped them, I felt more Christlike love for them, and I wanted to help them even more.

For me, for most of my life, service has been a chore, or a duty, or at best, a habit. I helped people because that's what I do, not because I felt a driving feeling of compassion for them. But today was different. Today, I felt love for those whom I served, and that made me want to continue to serve.

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