Friday, July 16, 2021

Practicing Kindness

I have humanized my sister's garbage can. I saw that it has its name written on it, and I call it by its name. I've thanked it for its service, and I have asked it for the kind of favor that a garbage can can do. I have, in a strange and overly-sympathetic way, formed a connection to this garbage can.

But hey, why not? Can there be such a thing as "overly-sympathetic"? Can a person practice too much kindness and concern for others? I'll grant that the garbage can doesn't warrant as much consideration as any human being or any animal, but so long as I can show kindness to the garbage can and to everyone else as well, why not? Being kind to the garbage can is certainly better than being cruel to it. Practicing kindness and humanization is better than practicing unkindness and dehumanization.

One can justifiably practice apathy towards such things as a garbage can or a dinner plate or a car or anything else, but it doesn't hurt to practice kindness towards them instead.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

Expressing gratitude and showing kindness are good habits to develop and strengthen. I think that practicing kindness to anyone or any thing makes it easier to show kindness to everyone. Besides, you are having fun with it.