Sunday, July 4, 2021

The Value of a Life

I wasn't able to blog last night because I had a medical issue. I went to the hospital and underwent a procedure, and I'm mostly okay now. But while it was happening, it stuck me how many people were working for how many hours, just to help me. Granted, they were being paid for their time, but it was almost overwhelming how many strangers were willing to put in work to help me get my life back to normal.

Considering the number of people and the number of hours, and adding the cost of the use of the specialized equipment, I'm sure that the cost was pretty great, but so is the value of the well-being of a human life. I get down on myself sometimes, but my life is still worth maintaining. Even if the cost is fairly high, I'm willing to pay it, because as troublesome as life sometimes is, it's worth it to me to maintain it.

Life can be rough, and the afterlife sounds a lot better, but there are good things about our mortal lives, too, and the benefits of our mortal experience are well worth the cost.

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