Friday, July 23, 2021

My Favorite Vacuum

This morning, I vacuumed for about two hours straight. By the end of the second hour, the vacuum felt warm near where I assume its motor is, and I told it it had earned a good long break. A short while later, I learned that I could gain access to a room I don't normally have access to and thus don't normally vacuum, so I grabbed the vacuum and vacuumed the room. After doing so, I felt bad for the vacuum. It was hot and tired, and it was resting, but I called on it again anyway, even though I promised I wouldn't. But there's a reason I grabbed that vacuum again when there was vacuuming to be done. It's my favorite vacuum, and even though it was tired, it was still the best vacuum for the job.

God calls on us a lot, and it can be pretty overwhelming. There are so many callings and service opportunities, and yet, God calls on us again and again. Of course, I don't think God plays favorites, and I don't think we're all necessarily the best at anything, but still, if you've got a good tool, it pays to put it to good use. If God calls on us to do things, that's because He knows we'd be good people for the job. When God calls on us to do a job, that's because He has confidence that we'll do the job sufficiently well. It's an honor to be called upon by God to do something or help someone, even when it's exhausting.

So, when we're called upon to do service, it may help to try to take it as a compliment. We have faith in God, but Him calling on us to help others is a sign of His faith in us.

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