Monday, October 17, 2022

A Dreaded Day

I wasn't looking forward to today. I had a lot to do, and I wasn't sure I was going to find the time to do it amid all the other things I had to do, and I wasn't looking forward to those things, either. At the start of the day, it looked like today was going to be packed with stress, busyness, and stuff I didn't want to do.

Thankfully, I was wrong. Most of the things I was dreading either didn't happen or wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. This dreaded day turned out to be an alright day.

In hindsight, I realize I shouldn't've worried. That dread I felt filled me with a negative response to events that didn't end up happening. I got worked up over nothing but my own pessimistic imagination.

I should learn to stop doing this. I should learn to have more faith, hope, and optimism. I should learn to be stoic and have a more zen-like acceptance of whatever happens, devoid of emotional attachment. At the very least, I should stop dwelling on the worst possible outcomes, except insofar as is necessary to plan for them. I should have thought "if that happens, what can I do about it?" instead of "this is going to happen, and it's going to suck."

Today didn't suck, and now I feel silly for having dreaded that it would.

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