Tuesday, October 4, 2022


I've been thinking a bit about change and why some people are resistant to it. Some people view change as potentially dangerous. Any change could be a change for the worse, whereas if a situation doesn't change, it'll stay as good as it is. A lack of change can be comforting for those who are already comfortable. However, a lack of change isn't sustainable, and it's probably not even good.

We can't stop the world from changing, and even if we could, it wouldn't be good if we did. We're on this Earth to make progress, and progress can't happen without change. Sure, there may be some missteps along the way. Some of the changes that get made may turn out to be changes for the worse. But when that happens, the solution isn't stagnation but more and better changes. When we make mistakes, we should own up to them, correct them, and continue to try to improve from there.

While I am cautious to try to ensure that the changes I make are good ones, I know that there cannot be more good without change. We need to continue to make progress. We need to grow, and growth requires change. Rather than resisting change or merely allowing change to happen, we need to try to make changes for the better, because nothing is going to get better if we never allow it to change.

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