Monday, October 24, 2022

Build Your Own Life

Hank R. Smith once said, "Remember my friends, you are the creative force in your life. If you want something to happen, YOU have to make it happen. Don't wait for someone or something to do it for you. Pray like it all depends on God, then work like it all depends on you."

He might have been quoting someone when he said that last part, but the point still stands. We can hope and pray all we want, but God leaves a lot of our lives up to us. We choose what kind of life we want to have by choosing how we live it. If we choose to live well, we will have good lives, and if we choose to live poorly, our lives won't be as good. Luck and blessings (or the lacks thereof) only modify how hard or how easy it is for us to create the life we want. The decision and the effort are ultimately up to us.

I find this simultaneously encouraging and disheartening. It's encouraging because it means I can build whatever life I want for myself. It's disheartening because it means I have a lot of work ahead of me. It's like a vacant lot with a sign that reads "Build to Suit." I have a lot of potential, but it's up to me to realize that potential. I can build whatever kind of life I want, but I have to build it with my own two hands and with the help of those who are willing to help me. It's thrilling, but I know it'll also be exhausting. I hope it'll be worth it in the end.

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