Sunday, October 9, 2022

Rest is Productive

I didn't get anything done this weekend. I was going to go on an errand, visit my friend in the hospital, give myself a haircut, attend church, and do any number of other good and productive things. But I didn't. Arguably, I couldn't. I can down with some some kind of ailment, and I found myself unable to do hardly anything.

Except rest.

Sometimes, we really need rest (physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, etc) before we can do anything else. When we're tired and/or sick, we need physical rest. When we are mentally, emotionally, or socially drained or burned out, we need mental, emotional, or social rest. There are times when we cannot function as people until we get the requisite amount of the appropriate kind of rest.

And when that happens, the most productive thing we can do is to do what it takes to get ourselves functional again. The most productive thing is to give ourselves the rest we need. When we need rest, resting is the most productive thing we can do.

So, in that sense, my weekend was fairly productive. I feel mostly better, better enough to do most of my regularly scheduled work tomorrow. Sure, I'd like to have gotten more done this weekend, but I did the one most important and productive thing I could have done.

I rested.

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