Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Surpass the Stars

When I started my Fitness Class two months ago, I was weak. I had hardly any muscle, I had zero experience with the machines, and I was not in a position to impress anyone - least of all myself. The machines have ten-pound weights built into them, and by moving a pin, one can decide how many of those weights to use as their resistance on that machine. On my first day, I only used about two or three of those weights on each machine. Today, I averaged somewhere between six and seven, and that was after taking a five-day weekend of being partly incapacitated by an ailment. Heck, I even used eight or nine weights on some of the machines, and that's not counting the three machines that are so easy that their weights only count for half for the purpose of determining averages. Long story short, I'm a lot stronger than I was two months ago, and by the end of these four months, I'm going to be stronger still.

Some of the weights have stars drawn on them, and when I started, I didn't think I would ever be strong enough to use that many weights. At some point, I had set a goal to "reach the stars," but since then, I've reached or surpassed that level on every machine now, and this morning, I set the weights to star level, just to go slightly easier on myself today.

I've made great progress in my workouts, and I'd like to think I'm making progress in my life, too. I'm gradually growing wiser, and while there are certain areas of my life that could definitely use improvement, there are also areas in which I've improved a good deal, more than I previously might have thought possible.

This progress is encouraging, but thankfully not satisfying. I'm going to keep trying, keep improving, physically and spiritually. And if I'm diligent enough and work hard enough, I plan to surpass the stars.

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