Sunday, March 28, 2021

Ask Why It Was Sent

Tonight, my family watched DreamWorks' Prince of Egypt, and while there are at least half a dozen blogworthy songs and scenes in that movie, a line sung by the queen of Egypt stood out to me tonight. She, believing in ancient Egypt's brand of polytheism, sang: "When the gods send you a blessing, You don't ask why it was sent." But, in many cases, it kinda makes sense to.

God gives us blessings, not only for our own benefit, but also so that we can use those blessings to help others. The rich should help the poor. The strong should bolster the weak. The educated should teach the uneducated. Anyone who has any blessing should use that blessing to help those who don't have it. Moses was given the blessing of freedom, and it was his responsibility to use his freedom to free others.

We should consider the blessings in our lives and then ask God what He wants us to do with them. Personally, one example is that I have some skill for writing (or so say the teachers who have given me good grades), and one thing that God wants me to do with that blessing is to blog, to share faith-inspiring or at least vaguely-spiritual messages with the apparently dozen-ish people who read this blog, including myself. Naturally, I have other blessings, and there are other ways God wants me use them. Doubtless, the same is true with you. If you're feeling daring and think you can handle having one or two more things on your plate, you might consider one of the blessings God has given you and, with real intent, ask why it was sent.

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