Sunday, March 7, 2021

Choosing the Right

One good thing about retaining my agency is that I can make choices for myself. I can choose which paths I walk down and take most of the credit (or blame) for my decisions. Granted, when I make bad decisions, that's on me. I can try to blame the devil for tempting me, but it's ultimately my decision to make. Similarly, while some credit can go to God and the Holy Ghost for inspiring good decisions, I'm still the one making them. Neither God nor Satan can take full responsibility for the choices I make. A significant portion of the credit or blame falls to me.

And thankfully, though my actions may not always reflect this, I generally prefer to choose good. I do service for others, sometimes out of duty, and sometimes by voluntary choice. I try to resist temptation and uphold high standards, even though I don't always succeed. I am, generally, a good person, and I take a certain amount of pride in that. I am largely responsible for my own decisions, and I usually choose the right.

There are times when I wish I had less agency because there are times when I misuse it. However, ultimately, I'm glad that I have the power to make my own decisions and that I often, though not always, make good ones.

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