Sunday, March 21, 2021

Forgiving Myself

I know it's a bit early, but...

D&C 64:10 I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men.

Including ourselves. What this means for me, personally, is that I need to forgive myself for all the mistakes and dumb decisions I make and to stop beating myself up over them. It's not healthy for me to hate myself for being human, and it's not realistic for me to expect to be perfect right now. Of course, I should always strive to be good and to improve myself, but I'm always going to fall short of perfection, and I should stop blaming myself for that. I'm only human, and so long as I'm human, I should show myself the same human kindness that I would show anyone else. Humans aren't perfect. Humans make mistakes. So long as I am human, I will repeatedly, understandably, make mistakes. I really ought to forgive myself for that.

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