Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Fixing Unfairness

Life is unfair. When Elder Dale G. Renlund spoke of life's "Infuriating Unfairness," he said both that "Christ will consecrate the unfairness for our gain [and] will use the unfairness for our benefit" and that we should "try to alleviate unfairness where we find it."

I wonder how this is supposed to work out. If the unfairness of life is, ultimately, supposed to work out for our benefit, why try to fix it? Is the unfairness of life a bad thing that we should try to reduce or a good thing that we should try to benefit from?

Of course, the true answer isn't as simple as saying that unfairness is good or bad. It's a mixed blessing, or a beneficial affliction. According to Elder Renlund, we should try to reduce unfairness, and so we should, and I'm sure God will still make sure that everybody benefits from the unfairness before we fix it and/or from the unfairness that persists, despite all our best efforts.

Life is unfair, and God will make sure that that, ultimately, is a good thing. But still, in the meantime, we should do what we can to make life a little less unfair.

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