Monday, June 7, 2021

Still Greatly Blessed

When misfortune befalls me or someone I care about, as it sometimes does, I occasionally try to remember that, despite our misfortune, we really don't have it so bad. We suffer setbacks, and we sometimes have to do without some of the comforts and conveniences of modern, first world life, but that's pretty close to the extent of our misfortune. We have enough tasty food that we won't go hungry. We have adequate clothing. We have sufficient shelter to remain comfortable. We even have the luxuries of indoor plumbing, electricity, and access to the internet. Compared to many people in the history of the world, we are incredibly richly blessed, even if we have to go without some of those blessings sometimes.

Someone I love has suffered a setback, but that's all it was. They will soon have regained the blessing of which they are now temporarily deprived, and though regaining the blessing will have cost them some money, it won't have broken the bank. This person was, and still is, greatly blessed, setback notwithstanding.

I am thankful to have been blessed in such great abundance, and I try to be grateful for the blessings I retain, even when others are temporarily lost.

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