Saturday, June 12, 2021

Tricky Puzzles and the Tellers of Truth

Life would be so much simpler if liars were incapable of telling the truth. There are a handful of puzzles in which one individual always tells the truth, and another individual always lies, and you have to ask them tricky questions to find out who's telling the truth and whose information you can trust. Unfortunately, life is more complicated than that. Liars can sometimes tell the truth, and truth-tellers can sometimes tell untruths by accident due to having inaccurate information. Figuring out who's lying and who's telling the truth can be incredibly difficult, especially when people can tell the truth when it suits them or say what they believe is true, but still be wrong.

I'm not sure there are any clever questions one could ask to discern who's right and who's wrong in real life. Instead, I think the Spirit of Discernment is needed. God knows the truth, and He tells it through His Spirit, Prophets, Apostles, and scriptures. We can learn what's true by turning to reliable sources, and the most reliable of all sources is God. So long as we're in-tune with The Spirit (and the spirit we're in tune to is The Holy Spirit rather than an unholy one), we can learn the truth about just about anything we could ever need to know, including who's telling the truth.

Unlike in tricky puzzle riddles, real-world liars aren't always lying, and honest people aren't always right. So, we need to be careful, and we need to make sure we get our most important and trusted information from the Ones who are always honest and always right.

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