Monday, June 28, 2021

Taking a Moment to Connect with God

To be honest, I had forgotten that seeking spiritual nourishment was one of my goals for today. Serves me right for not writing it down on a To Do list. But when I was reminded of this goal a few minutes ago, I figured that it's never too late to start. I set my computer aside for a moment, clasped my hands together, and, well, I'm not sure if "prayed" is the right word to use, but I definitely connected to God in some way, even if it wasn't a traditional prayer. Most importantly, I felt the Spirit when I connected to God like that, and it only took me a moment to do.

I should try to remember this trick. There are times when I feel frustrated, and I generally try to plow through my problems and anyone who happens to be in my way, but that's not productive, and it certainly isn't Christlike. It would be much better, both for others' sake and for the sake of my own emotional health, to instead take a moment, breathe, connect with God, and then proceed with a serenity born of eternal perspective and Christlike love.

No matter what time it is or how little time we have, we can almost always take a moment to connect with God, and we will be richly blessed if we do. Connecting with God will help us be more Godlike, if only for a few minutes at a time, and it will also help us improve our emotional state and possibly receive inspiration. Great benefits can come from taking a moment to connect with God, and it only take a moment to do it.

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