Thursday, April 7, 2022

Asking for Help

One skill that I have yet to learn is the art of asking for help. I am my ward's Building Cleaning Coordinator, meaning that, for certain months out of the year, I am responsible for making sure the building gets cleaned. Unfortunately, the building is too big to be cleaned by just one person, at least not in any reasonable amount of time. That means that I need to ask for help. I need to pass out sign up sheets, make announcements, send emails, and/or make phone calls, somehow arranging for people to come help me clean the building. They won't want to do it, and I don't want to ask them to do it, but the work needs to be done, and the job is too big for me to do alone. I need to learn how to ask for help. It was a skill that Moses needed to learn, according to Jethro, Moses' father in law, and it's a skill that I need to learn, too.

I need help. But before I can get it, I need to get over my reluctance to ask for it.

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