Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Laughing at Problems

Today, I had an oddly amusing experience with a terribly serious problem. I was helping a student with a paper on groundwater. It covered topics like how our ground water is being depleted, how many wells are drying up, and local governments have made plans to achieve ground water sustainability by 2040, but the situation is only going to get worse between now and then, assuming the plans even work, which doesn't seem likely. It's classing doom and gloom stuff, things I've said I'm sick of. But it was weirdly fun to talk about. Somehow, the situation was so bad, it actually became funny how bad the situation was. Plus, it kinda helped to think that we have a relatively viable solution in the form of desalination. Sure, desalination has some issues to work out, but none so serious as the issue of running out of water. It's not a prefect solution, but it's better than the problem is, so it's a step in the right direction.

I think a lot of life depends on one's attitude. I usually tend to get overwhelmed and frustrated. But today, I instead chose to laugh at how bad the problem was and then focus on possible solutions. Maybe I should do that in other areas of life as well. A little bit of laughter at unfortunate circumstances, or at least a focus on solutions instead of getting bogged down with problems, seems to be the more productive and uplifting way to respond. It sure sounds nicer than what I've been doing. So, I'll try to remember that next time.

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